Statistics Gathering


Bb Learn surveys come with tools for gathering statistics and results. This document reviews those.

Please note: responses from students/users are *anonymous* in surveys, and surveys areĀ *not graded*.

Survey Statistics

The "Survey Statistics" page in Bb Learn allows you to see how many students provided a particular answer on a survey, depending on the type of question.

You can generate a "Survey Statistics" webpage for a particular Bb Learn survey by going into "Full Grade Center," clicking the circled down arrow in the column header for the survey, and clicking "Attempts Statistics."

Please note that certain types of questions may not appear on the "Survey Statistics" page; for example, "Fill in the Blank" questions do not. If you have a question about whether a specific type of question's results appears on the "Survey Statistics" page, let us know.

Downloading Results

You can download results, such as correct and incorrect questions and number of attempts by using the "Download Results" option. You can find the "Download Results" option by going to "Full Grade Center," clicking the circled down arrow in the column header for the survey, and then clicking "Download Results."

There you can download results as a CSV file or as a tab-delimited text file.

Note that the tab delimited files when opened in Excel may bring up a prompt that says the file is in the wrong format and asks if want to open the file anyway, to which you should say yes.

You can download results organized "By User" and "By Question and User," but if you have a survey with more than 40 questions, it is recommended to download results by "Question and by User."

You can also choose to only get valid attempts (the attempt or submission that will count, usually the last graded attempt/submission) or all attempts/submissions.