Turnitin Direct -- Troubleshooting -- Incorrectly Marked Late
Tips on Recent Turnitin Issues
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- Attempt to use Turnitin on Firefox. Recent issues with Turnitin are usually on Chrome and Edge.
If a Turnitin Direct assignment is appearing as "Late" in "Full Grade Center" or the "Needs Grading" area of your Bb Learn course shell, and if you have already checked to make sure the due dates for the "Turnitin Direct" assignment is correctly set on the "Submissions Inbox" page for that assignment, then the problem is likely that the due date in the corresponding column in "Full Grade Center" for the Turnitin Direct assignment is incorrect.
This happens because the two date areas are initially the same when the Turnitin Direct assignment is created.
But the two date areas do not stay in sync if the due date is changed in one area.
If you modify the due date for the column, you or another instructor will run into the same issue in a future quarter.
So the solution is to instead just delete the due date from the column for the Turnitin Direct assignment in "Full Grade Center."
Deleting this due date for this column has no effect on the actual due date for the Turnitin Direct assignment.
Here's how to delete the due date:
- In "Full Grade Center" in a Bb Learn course shell, click the circled down arrow in the column's top row.
- Click the "Edit Column Information."
- Scroll down to "DATES."
- Uncheck and clear the due date area.
- Click "Submit."
You will not know from the "Needs Grading" webpage (if you use that) if a student's assignment is late.
But as soon as you click a student's name for a Turnitin Direct paper submission on the "Needs Grading" webpage, you will see a notice if the student's submission is late or not on the "Submissions Inbox" webpage that then appears (and that you see in other places when you grade Turnitin Direct papers).