Listing Assignments


These instructions will tell you how to create an area in your Bb Learn course shell or shell where all your assignments (or tests or Turnitin Direct links) can be located and either move all the assignment submission links to that area or create a second set of links for those assignments in that area.

These instructions do not cover creating assignment submission links. If you need help with that, see the following page:

Creating an Assignments Area

If you don't have an area in your course shell or shell where all assignments can be located and want one, do the following.

Visit the following webpage and follow the instructions to create a "content area."

Moving Assignment Submission Links

You can move the assignment submission links to the assignments area of your course by doing the following.

  1. Find an assignment submission link that you want to move to the assignments area.
  2. Hover over the assignment submission link and click the circled down arrow that appears next to the assignment submission link.
  3. Click "Move."
  4. Click "Browse…" and find and select the assignment area you want to move the assignment submission link to.
  5. Click "Submit."
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until you have all the assignment submission links moved to the assignment area.

Creating Secondary Assignment Submission Links or Course Links

If you don't want to move the assignment submission links from their current locations, but still want to have links to the assignments in the assignment area, do the following to create a second set of links, or course links, for the assignments.

  1. Enter the assignment area of your course where you want the second set of links to the assignments to appear.
  2. Click "Build Content."
  3. Click "Course Link."
  4. Click "Browse" and find and select an assignment you want to link to. After you do so, the "Name" and "Location" fields will be filled automatically.
  5. Enter text if wish in the "Description" area. Please note that we don't recommend copying directly from MS Word or the web into the "Description" area as this can cause formatting issues. If you are copying from one of those sources, we recommend copying into a plain text editor first like Notepad on PCs or TextEdit (with the formatting of the file set to Plain Text) on Macs. Then copying from the plain text editor to the "Description" area.
  6. If you wish to make the link available to student-level users in the course shell or shell, click "Yes" next to "Permit Users to View This Content." Otherwise, click "No."
    - If you wish to make this link available or unavailable at a certain time, you should still select "Yes" here, but then see step 8 below.
    - Also, you will want to set the availability dates on the actual assignment submission links or you may end up with the assignments being unavailable or available when you don't wish them to be.
  7. Click "Yes" next to "Track Number of Views" if you wish to track number of views.
  8. If you wish, set date and time restrictions on the availability of this link. Also see step 6 above if you wish to do this.
  9. Click "Submit."
  10. Repeat steps 1-9 above for each assignment that you want to create a second link in the assignments area for.

Reordering Items in the Assignment Area

  1. Go to the assignments area in your course and click the "up-down" area circled in the screenshot below. 
    assignment controls
  2. In the pop-up window that appears, scroll up or down if necessary to find the assignment submission link or course link you want to reorder.
  3. Click on it.
  4. Click on the up or down arrow icons to move the link to the desired place in the left-hand course menu.
  5. Click "Submit" to save your changes.
  6. Click "OK."