Opening Pages or Numbers Files


Mac and iPad/iPhone (iOS) users might submit a "pages" or "numbers" file to you. The file name will generally end in either ".pages" or ".numbers" (without quotes), and you won't be able to open these files by default in Windows. Sometimes the file will end in ".zip" (without quotes). These files also won't render in Bb Learn by default, but there is a trick to viewing a read only version of these files.

After the instructions below are instructions or information that will help students send you Microsoft Word (.docx) or Excel (.xlsx) versions of their pages and numbers files in the future.

Opening Read-only Pages or Numbers on a PC

First, here's how to open read-only versions of .pages or .numbers files in Windows on a PC.

Files Ending in .pages or .numbers

For Files Whose Names End in .pages or .numbers

  1. Download the .pages or .numbers file to your Windows computer.
  2. Rename the downloaded file by adding ".zip" (without quotes) to the end of the file name. The file should turn into a zip or compressed file.
  3. Extract the zip file to your computer.
  4. Look in the extracted folder or files for a file named "preview." Rename it something unique, but that should be a JPEG picture file you can open.
  5. Repeat these steps for each .pages or .numbers file you need to open.

Files Ending in or

For Files Whose Names End in or

  1. Download the zip file to your computer.
  2. Extract or unzip the zipped file.
  3. Open up the extracted folder that has ".pages" or ".numbers" in its name.
  4. Look in the extracted folder or files for a file named "preview." Rename it something unique, but that should be a JPEG picture file you can open.
  5. Repeat these steps for each or file you need to open.

In the Future, How Students Can Provide Word or Excel Files

For the future, you may want to ask your students to provide Word or Excel versions of their work.

Send them the page below to show them ways to do that.

  • Bb Learn Misc -- How Students Can Create Word, Excel, Powerpoint, or PDF Files