Grade Center -- Adding Lecture Sections Numbers in a XLIST

Easy Method for < 50 Students

Maybe more.

  1. Use “Create Column” in “Full Grade Center” to make a column called “Sections” (or what you will), set “Primary Display” to “Score," set “Points Possible” to 0, say “No” to “Include in Grade Center Calculations,” say “No” to “Show this column to students,” and click “Submit.”
  2. You should see a "Course ID" column that contains CRN.TermCode or something like 12345.202015 or 12345.202025 or the like. Click the top row of that column to sort the "Full Grade Center" table.
    a.  If you do not see such a column, click "Manage" > "Column Organization." Click the check box in front of the "Course ID" column. Click "Show/Hide" > "Show Selected Column" >  
  3. Move the new column closer to the "Course ID". Click "Manage" > "Column Organization." Click the up-down arrow icon. Click the "Sections" column you created in the pop-up window. Use arrows to move it up near "Course ID." Click "Submit" in pop-up window. Click "Submit" again.
    a.  If step 3 doesn't let you move rows or columns, try this in a different web browser.
  4. Click the "Course ID" column's top row to sort by the ID. Google Drexel's Web TMS, and find the CRN's for the on-campus or online or lab sections, and type them in manually. Click in each cell, type in the number, press Enter/Return. The TAB key may let you move into the next cell/box below in the column.
  5. Harder Method, Best for Many Students

Do everything you are told to do at link below, BUT do it for the lecture sections, which often can have letter and not number names. And name things as "Lecture" rather than "Lab."

Note 001 will become 1. 061 will become 61. And so on.

Now What?

Use "Adaptive Release" for any item or assignment you only want to appear to certain students. Use the Grade option, and choose the score for the "Section" column corresponding to the section you want to see the item or assignment. Use "Adaptive Release -- Advanced" if you need to cannot do this with multiple sections on an item, and need to do so.