Grade Center -- Final Exam Schedule and Deadline for Final Grades

Final exams must be given at some point during each quarter's final exam week.

The Drexel Registrar's final exam webpage below explains this policy.

When is final exams week? Refer to the Drexel quarterly academic calendar below.

The webpage below is for the official Drexel final exam schedule.

Deadlines for submission of final grades are found on the following webpage.

See the Drexel quarterly academic calendar below if you want to see when final exam week is.

  • The academic year begins with fall and ends with summer.
  • Classes and Term Examinations begin at start of listed day, unless otherwise mentioned.
  • Classes and Term Examinations end at end of the listed day, unless otherwise mentioned.

Note that Incompletes or NGRs must somehow be reported by the end of the quarter. Instructors should contact the IS/CT/DSCI or CS department heads or assistant department heads about what is involved in an Incomplete or NGR, and not submit those grades with the rest until you know.