Connecting to Tux from Android

Tagged with: scp ssh tux


For students and faculty needing to connect to Tux ( from an Android device, the Termux app provides a convenient solution. While there are other terminal apps available, Termux offers a free version that covers most of the essential features. This guide walks you through the setup process, ensuring a smooth connection experience without requiring any additional purchases. 

Step 1: Install Termux

- Download Termux: Visit the [Google Play Store] and download the Termux app.
- Installation: Once the app is installed, open it to begin the setup process.

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Step 2: Setup

- When you open the app you will face a terminal screen

- Run these two commands: "pkg install dropbear" and "pkg install openssh"

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Step 3: Install Dropbear

- After running "pkg install dropbear" it will install and ask if you want to continue

- Type in Y to continue

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Step 4: Install Openssh pkg

- Then running "pkg install openssh" will install any dependencies needed to run ssh

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Step 5: Connect to Tux

- After installing, you will ssh into tux as normal using ""

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Step 5: Logging Out

- To exit out of tux type in "logout" into your terminal

- You can also expand the Termux notification and click "exit"

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