Hyperion -- START HERE
Here is how to install Hyperion on a Windows 10 computer so that it will work with Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11).
Hyperion is NO LONGER ACCESSED through Internet Explorer
- Do NOT use Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) AT ALL. Microsoft stopped supporting IE on June 15, 2022. IE IS NOT SECURE!
Can't Select MORE THAN ONE Option in Hyperion Report Small Windows
- This MIGHT only be an issue with Mac users, but...
- Use the web browser instead of the installed application
Windows Access
- Enabling Hyperion in Microsoft Edge <-- Windows ONLY, works through the Edge web browser
- Hyperion in Win 10 using VM Client
- Hyperion VDI in web browser in Edge in Windows
Mac Access
Request Access to Hyperion
If you do not have access to Hyperion yet, reach out to your manager or supervisor to get their approval, and then reach out to Drexel AIS using the email and workshop info at the link below.
Hyperion Report Examples
- STU Term-Master Schedule Report -- Generate from Hyperion
- STU Term-Master Schedule Report -- Generate from Hyperion - Non CCI Courses
- Other example: Card Swipe Access STU Class List Report -- Generate from Hyperion
- Other example: Card Swipe Access STU Class List Report -- Generate from Hyperion - Folder Open Method
Refer to the 2 PDF Documents below.