XAMPP - For Apple Silicon M1 Macs or Monterey and above
Here is how to install XAMPP for Mac M1 or any version above Monterey.
Installation Videos:
Installing XAMPP
- Head over to one of the following links and download the latest version of XAMPP.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/XAMPP%20Mac%20OS%20X/ - Make sure the downloaded installer is the real Mac OS installer and not a VM.
- Open the .dmg file and install the program like normal.
Mounting New Volume
The latest version of XAMPP does not provide a new volume mount option. Instead, you can follow these steps to emulate the option.
- Under manage server, make sure each server is running.
- Press command + shift + period, to display hidden files.
- Open finder.
- Click on "Desktop" and on the Mac taskbar, click on "View" and "Show Path Bar".
- Doubleclick Macintosh HD or what's in its place.
- Navigate to XAMPP's htdocs folder and place the volume you would have selected in the folder.
- Example of localhost phpMyAdmin
- Example of localhost server file path
- Example of where files are located in Mac Terminal
- Example of accessing incorrect file path
- Example of localhost server file path
If Apache starts / stops, use these commands in the Terminal for troubleshooting.
# Graceful stop (recommended)
sudo systemctl stop httpd
# or on some systems:
sudo service httpd stop
# If you need to restart:
sudo systemctl restart httpd
# or
sudo service httpd restart
# If above does not help...
sudo killall -15 httpd
sudo killall -9 httpd
# If above STILL does not help...
sudo killallhttpd