(SQLPlus) -- (f.k.a.
You Must Be Connected to Drexel VPN to directly access using local install of sqldeveloper or other local client.
Click here for instructions on how to connect to Drexel VPN.
- The Linux server hostname (where sqlplus is installed) is “”.
- It is preferred to use that host name going forward.
- However, the old hostnames ( & have been converted to CNAMES, and they still work.
START WITH THIS: All students in classes requiring Oracle have to create an Linux and Oracle account FIRST using the form at the
- Fill Our the Request Form below to have a user account made for and
[Video] Connecting to CCI Oracle CCI and SQL Developer: Passwords MUST:
- Only contain alphanumeric characters (a-z A-Z 0-9).
- Letters and numbers only, in other words.
- Begin & end with a letter.
- Contain at least a couple numbers in them.
- Be between 8-12 characters in length.
- Enter your Drexel userid & Drexel password..
- and then ALSO...
- Fill out the form to create or reset your and password.
How to connect on Windows or Mac to Oracle SQL on
- General:
- Windows:
- Mac:
If your password does not work when you SSH into
- Try to set or reset your password again using the form below again....
or... - If you are asked if you should continue, click "Advanced" & "Proceed" & the like, or "Continue."
We host the site. It's safe.
If Nothing Appears When You Type in Your Password at Command Line Interface (Terminal, cmd.exe, console, etc) Prompt:
- This is normal. Your password is masked on the screen so others watching can't guess it.
- Letters and numbers in passwords may not appear here as you type them at the password prompt.
- Type your password anyway.
- The press Enter/Return.
- Fill out the form on the landing page at
- *BUT* enter a new password.
- This will reset your password and keep all of your data.
If you see "Your connection not fully secure" or "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead"?
- As long as you see this message when on or , then it's okay to do one of the following:
- Firefox: Click "Advanced" > "Accept the Risk and Continue." We host these websites. They are completely safe.
- Chrome: "Advanced" > "Proceed to... (unsafe)". We host these websites. They are completely safe.
- See
- @ike is used to login to sqlplus on
- Same userid as your Drexel uesrid, but follow it with @ike instead (example: abc123@ike).
- You'll see more on this at the above link. You'll need to click the PuTTY link, or Windows 10/11 Command Line or Mac OS links at the above link look at later steps in the instructions for more on the @ike user.
For connecting to via locally installed GUI, but not sqlplus on
- Use not as the hostname
- Most SQL GUIs don't use a hostname. Your username in SQLDeveloper is userid (without @ike). E.g.: abc123
If you get the error "Your Drexel username and/or password is not correct":
- ...after filling out & submitting the Oracle SQL on form, then you need to change your DrexelOne password FIRST.
- Then come back to the Oracle SQl on form at
to get a new password or change your password. - Your Drexel password is NOT the same as your or password.
- Your Drexel password is what you use for Bb Learn, Zoom, Office365, and other Drexel websites.
Changing it will change that password for all of these other websites as well. - To change your DrexelOne password:
Visit, and click "Forgot Password?"
Or go directly to
If you see "ORA-01017: Invalid Username/Password" after trying to login to SQLPLUS?
- Make sure the SQLPLUS (or sqlplus) password matches your Oracle SQL on password.
- Make sure the SQLPLUS (or sqlplus) password ONLY contains alphanumeric characters (a-z A-Z 0-9).
- If it doesn't, or you still have issues, change your Oracle SQL on password at: - Sometimes, SQLPLUS does not like characters Oracle SQL on is okay with, and vice versa, or something gets out of sync between the 2 passwords. Changing the password 9 times out of 10 resolves this issue.
- Changing your Oracle SQL on password is just like setting it for the 1st time.
- Do not include in your new Oracle SQL on password ANY special or extended characters or punctuation, so do not include ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ; , . [ ] { } \ | ` ~ ; : ' " < > / ? etc.
If you see "ORA-12532: TNS: invalid argument" after trying to login to SQLPLUS?
- Make sure the SQLPLUS (or sqlplus) password matches your Oracle SQL on password.
- Make sure the SQLPLUS (or sqlplus) password ONLY contains alphanumeric characters (a-z A-Z 0-9).
- If it doesn't, or you still have issues, change your Oracle SQL on password at: - Sometimes, SQLPLUS does not like characters Oracle SQL on is okay with, and vice versa, or something gets out of sync between the 2 passwords. Changing the password 9 times out of 10 resolves this issue.
- Changing your Oracle SQL on password is just like setting it for the 1st time.
- Do not include in your new Oracle SQL on password ANY special or extended characters or punctuation, so do not include ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ; , . [ ] { } \ | ` ~ ; : ' " < > / ? etc.
- A while back now, was rebuilt and a new server was deployed. If you previously had an account on the old server, you could get error when connecting to the current server that the remote host identification has changed. This can be ignored and the new fingerprint/id can for the current server can be saved
- An example of the change in remote host identification error is shown below.
WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
SHA256…………………………………………………4 See Fix SSH host key error for Oracle SQL on
Customized ssh Commands/Hashes for Mac Users? Not Anymore. Probably.
Since was rebuilt with the latest CentOS and packages...
Mac users should no longer need to use the customized commands/hashes
they had to use on the old server. They should be able to ssh directly
to the server now.
But just in case it ever comes up again.
SSH error - macOS X High Sierra users
- To use the SSH client in the Mac terminal, type in the following. Replace USERID with your userid:
- ssh -c 3des-cbc
SSH error - macOS X Mojave users:
- To use the SSH client in the Mac terminal, type in the following. Replace USERID with your userid:
- ssh -c 3des-cbc -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
SSH error - macOS X Catalina users:
- Mojave method above may also work.
- To use the SSH client in the Mac terminal, type in the following. Replace USERID with your userid:
- ssh -c 3des-cbc -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
- Contact
Cannot Delete Tables or Database? Primary Keys or Other Errors Doing so?
- Please contact and we will help as soon as possible or direct you to your CA/Instructor.
Locked Tables
- If your connection has been disrupted or other issues, unlocking automatically happens after 1-2 hours. Just log out of all sessions and wait for 1-2 hours and try again.
The website wants a username or email and password to download stuff like the local sqlplus client. What do I do?
- The Oracle website login, username, email you use, and password are all separate from Drexel and from your Oracle SQL on account and from your Drexel password.
- So just go ahead and register for and create an Oracle account, but ONLY IF YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD FILES FROM ORACLE.
- Oracle just wants everyone to make an account in order to download stuff.
- NO DOWNLOAD OR INSTALL OF ORACLE is needed for Drexel CCI classes. Any assignment you see like this is almost always marked "Optional" in Bb Learn.
- You might want to try and use SQL Developer, and that may be required, though.
SQL Developer Instructions
If you want to connect to CCI Oracle from SQL Developer
Refer to the following document Connecting to CCI Linux Oracle SQL Developer and Troubleshooting It
- If you can login via a Terminal or Command prompt window using the ssh command to
- and login to sqlplus via a Terminal or Command prompt window as well,
- then there isn't an account issue.
- Look at the above SQL Developer word document,
- and recheck/redo your configuration/set-up.